This service is provided mostly to customers for fast transfers in Split and its neighbourhood. We are also cooperating with some others taxi providers and in every moment we have around 10 cars in circulation on the streets. We have various types of cars, that can fulfil all your needs. All our car are equipped with air conditioning, all our drivers speaks at least one foreign language (mostly English), they are communicative and friendly, prepared to give you proper advice and tips about your wishes. In our fleet we have smaller cars, big comfortable cars, mini vans… This service is available 24 hours / 7 days.
We are offering:
- Private transfers by VAN, minibus and deluxe coach, limousine
- Transportation by ferry, hydrofoil and private boat
- Sightseeing tours and excursions
- Multilingual licensed tour guides and escorts
- Restaurants & wineries reservation
- Museum reservation
- Theatre and sport ticket reservation
- Ad hoc lesson arrangements
You can order your taxi ride on following number:
If you are calling from your cell phone, please dial:
Mob +385 (0) 91 335 3010
Fax +385 21 312 692
Our response moment is usually 20 minutes in regular traffic.